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They say that "There are no good men out there," but they're wrong. Men are everywhere-and author Elizabeth Shimer Bowers shows how you can find them in the unlikeliest #210: Tour a brewery #946: Learn to sail #507, 30, or 31: Join a club like Mensa, Tall Club, or Toastmasters #470: Volunteer at an animal rescue #778: Become a tour guide at a local attraction #505: Attend a scotch-tasting night #768: Tag along to a friend's company picnic #398: Visit Pedro's South of the Border; Plus 991 other ways and places to find your Mr. Right! Not only will you learn the pros and cons of meeting men in the various venues, you can also use the handy rating scale to find out how much time each activity takes, whether you should bring a girlfriend along, and how much money (if any) you have to invest. You don't have to look very far to meet the man of your dreams. Your future plus-one could be as close as a few seats away on the subway, a few paces behind you in line at the movies, or right outside your own front door. So grab this book and go!

1001 Ways To Meet Mr.Right

  • Elizabeth Shimer

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